This used to be a nice little app, but not so much now.
Every time there has been a revision it seems like functions get taken away, hidden, broken, or moved around. Its like someone, as a cruel joke, going into a mechanics tool box at night and rearranging all his tools, hiding others, breaking some, and throwing others away.
After every revision it seems that more and more time is spent re-learning the app and figuring out what happened to the functions (and how to use them again -- if theyre even still available) than getting work done with a reliable, dependable tool. The app cannot now even properly do text or phrase searches accurately, as it fails to parse out punctuation (if a search term is immediately bounded by punctuation, it wont find it), and it finds search terms within fractions of words spread out in a whole verse, and presents such a verse as a "result". Seamless transitioning between original Old and New Testament text displays is also now broken. Multiverse copying has now become a hacking procedure or weirdly grouped texts.
The app has grown from a help into an impedance that is in the way: it is frustrating. This was a great and simple concept early on, but it has now gone awry by the adding of bling and bells and whistles that are but mostly vain distractions, while functionality suffers as a result. Form over substance. What a loss!
If you want to spend your time studying an app, get this tool. If you want to study the scriptures, the app is possibly still useful if you can endure its hindrances and accept the loss of features.
I still have hope that the app can return to its original intent evident in its early instances: great functionality with simplicity.
CrashyAppy about Holy Bible, v10.0.2